Divine Mercy Prayer Group

The new Divine Mercy Prayer Group will be starting in August at St Gregory's Church Hall, Bollington.

We will be meeting on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm (for about an hour).

The Divine Mercy is a Catholic devotion to Jesus Christ associated with the apparitions of Jesus to Sr Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun, who was canonised by Pope John Paul ll in 2000.

The devotion (called the Chaplet), is prayed on Rosary beads, calling on God's unfathomable Divine Mercy for souls.
Many promises are associated with praying the Chaplet which are worth reading about online. For example:


You are very welcome to come and join us whether the Divine Mercy is new to you or whether you have been praying it for years!

Please contact Oonagh Wray for more details: 07521336353


The dates until the end of the year are as follows:


Thursday 5 September 7pm

Thursday 3 October 7pm

Thursday 7 November 7pm

Thursday 5 December 7pm


Thursday 2 January 7pm

Thursday 6 February 7pm

Thursday 6 March 7pm

Thursday 3 April 7pm

Everyone Welcome